This project was created to communicate the harms and negative effects of alcoholism, as it is an overlooked issue in society today. With both the normalization and glamourization of alcohol use perpetuated in films, music and culture, those who are struggling with addiction can have a stigma that only makes it harder for them to get support and treatment. 

The final poster features a broken and angular black-type atop a lined up white type. This is conceptual, meaning to represent the alcohol attempting to be used as a coping mechanism, trying to hold a person together while the person underneath is only falling apart, whether it be due to trauma, depression, or any other mental illness they hope to escape from. The forms of the angular broken type also mirror the shattered bottle, appearing scattered and representing the chaos alcoholism causes. Unlike common alcohol advertisements in the media with a thirst-quenching bottle against a simple background, in this poster, a bottle is being literally smashed in an attempt to break the normalcy of glamorization of alcohol use. The physical sensation is powerful and intended to make the viewer feel a shock. 

The pamphlet was designed as an experience. When folded, it creates a narrative that at first seems simple, the viewer sees a bottle in a predictable size, thinking they know what is represented, but with the flip of the page, the bottle extends to another page, making them realize the scope of the problem: it is much bigger of a problem than many of us think. It intends to open eyes to the largeness of the problem, raise awareness, and make supporting those facing alcoholism more common.

The pop-up event is also photographed. This 3D mock-up shows a plan for the event that aims to shock, threaten, and intrigue audiences to explore the topic and learn more about alcoholism. Taking the forms of shattered fragments of glass, the structure pierces the city environment, surrounded by the floor which encourages viewers to decode the many side effects of alcohol use in the scattered typography which sits there. 

Finally, a video was made to raise awareness of the event and stir up a conversation around alcoholism.

Using Format